
This entry was posted in Reception (Penguins). Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Reception

  1. Jason F says:

    Wow Reception.

    I so enjoyed your performance – beautiful singing, wonderful music and fantastic outfits. Well done. I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  2. Salma says:

    wow I was really impressed with your assembly . 🙂 🙂 :

  3. Ms Keen says:

    I just love your singing and made you my stars of the week. I am looking forward to your next concert.

  4. Ms Keen says:

    You are an amazing writer. Well done.

  5. Elsie says:

    That was outstanding reception!! 😀 😀

  6. Elsie says:

    Everyone amazing writing!! 😀 😀

  7. Issy says:

    I found that amazing, excellent and outstanding reception!

  8. Bunny wabbit (I'm still a boy I just like bunnies OK! Don't judge me!) says:

    I’m gonna go with HAPPY because it makes me feel like I’m not a complete loner!

  9. Italy5 says:

    Definitely happy because I absolutely hate frozen songs now!!!

    Arthur ASB

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